In a bit to make today’s waste tomorrow’s raw materials, Ewube Kelly, founder of One Green Africa, OGA, an organization based on environmental sustainability thinks we are wasting resources by throwing away waste instead of looking for alternative ways to put them into use. The graduate of the Pan African University Institute Of Water and… Continue reading Upcycling:New Way to Recycling
Category: Environment
Herein, will publish content for projects/organizations focused on preserving nature (both environment and/or wildlife protection)
Africa’s Vulnerability to Impacts of Climate Change: Role of NGOs
In preventing the worst impacts of climate change, some non-governmental organizations in Cameroon are taking initiatives to reduce global temperatures to1.50C. Prominent of them is Game Changers. It is a youth-led movement that champions the fight against climate change locally by mobilizing businesses to make bold concrete commitments to the climate agenda towards a zero-emission… Continue reading Africa’s Vulnerability to Impacts of Climate Change: Role of NGOs
Sustainable Wildlife Management: Serving People and Environment
As the fight to protect wildlife in the Mbam Djerem National Park intensifies, other nongovernmental organizations are taking an interest. Valery Binda is a conservation expert whose interest in wildlife conservation since the age of 9 pushed him to create Agriculture and Bio-conservation for Youth Empowerment and Rural Development Organization, ABOYERD. According to Valery, ABOYERD… Continue reading Sustainable Wildlife Management: Serving People and Environment
A Young Cameroonian Fighting for the Rights of Mother Nature
A holder of a master’s degree in Climate-Smart Agriculture, Fontoh Desmond Fontoh is the founder of Crusaders for Environment Protection and Ozone Watch (CEPOW), an organization involved in development projects in the areas of environmental conservation, environmental education, and women and youth development. Coming from a society where the subject of environmental protection has often… Continue reading A Young Cameroonian Fighting for the Rights of Mother Nature